This original design is by Paul Fusch in the memory of Satao. Satao was a huge bull elephant famous for his huge tusks that touched the ground. In 2014 Satao was shot for his tusks with poisoned arrows while in a protected part of in Kenya's Tsavo National Park.
-The Chinese characters under the lion = “justice.”
-The African Adinka symbol under the giraffe = “captivity and slavery” and is also the symbol for “justice.”
-The other Adinka symbol to the left of the GMFER logo = “unity” and “human relations” or “strength in unity.”
-The Chinese characters under the lion = “justice.”
-The African Adinka symbol under the giraffe = “captivity and slavery” and is also the symbol for “justice.”
-The other Adinka symbol to the left of the GMFER logo = “unity” and “human relations” or “strength in unity.”